AviveHD appeared on the German TV channel KIKA. Avive was invited to the show ‘Die Sportmacher’ to try out breakdancing with one of Germany’s youngest talents. The show ‘Die Sportmacher’ motivates children to seek out physical activities to stay healthy and engage in learning with new challenges.
AviveHD Battles German 2018 Breakdance Champion Melina
The TV channel KIKA (short for Kinderkanal) is a subsidiary of Germany’s state run TV channels ARD and ZDF. Their program is mainly targeted and a young audience and tries to engage girls and boys on both entertaining and educational levels. AviveHD – or just Avive – was invited to participate in a physical activity, he never tried before, to underline how young kids around the world can achieve greatness in a field of expertise, if they start early and keep at it. He was shortly trained in a few moves by a young teacher and then pitted against the 12 year World 2018 Germany Champion in Breakdancing called BGirl Melina, who inspires other children to get into Breakdance as well.
Reaching young minds and inspiring to be great at something
The KIKA show ‘Die Sportmacher’ looks for great young talents in Germany, that can inspire other children to reach for the stars and go out of their comfort zone. It shows all types of sports and invites young experts on the topic. Avive’s role was to show that nobody should be afraid of trying something new and show that even much younger children can have much more skills than adult idols. The episode was aired in September 2020 for the first time, and is now also available in the online ZDF Mediathek. Avive decided to participate, as he is also advocating to stay healthy and fit through physical exercise.
Getting fitter in a YouTube Challenge
Avive tries to get into shape by starting a diet battle
Keeping fit is a steady challenge for Creators who do most of their work at a desk recording videos. So taking inspiration from the TV appearance, Avive started a challenge to lose some pounds and get healthier by doing cardio workouts and boxing. Using that as new content for his YouTube channel, chances are, his viewers will get inspired to get in shape as well, if they are currently not. So besides just doing entertainment and gaming videos, Avive is showing his lifestyle by releasing lifestyle videos as well.
Getting in touch with AviveHD
If you are interested in getting in touch with AviveHD for a German Influencer Campaign, please drop us a mail to avive@water.koeln. You can also find further interesting activities from Avive, when visiting his Water Landing Page right here.